
  • Node.js 16.0 or later

  • A React-based application (React 18+)



Grab an API key from the Pointer dashboard.

Login to the Pointer dashboard, then create a project. Two keys will be automatically generated for you — a production and development key. Copy the development key and store it.


Install the Pointer SDK using your preferred package manager.


Configure your environment variables.

Add the appropriate Pointer API key into your .env file.


Note that there are two types of API keys: development and production.

  • Development keys (pt_dev_*):

    • For local development only
    • No origin restrictions
    • Stricter rate limits
  • Production keys (pt_live_*):

    • Required for deployed applications
    • Must specify allowed origin domains
    • Domains must be valid (e.g.,

API keys are only shown in full during creation. After that, only the last 4 characters will be visible.

API keys are public on the client-side. Further authentication occurs in the background to verify each user and prevent session hijacking. For more information, read our Security page.


Wrap your app with the PointerProvider.

In your root file, (e.g., layout.tsx, index.tsx, _app.tsx) wrap your app with the PointerProvider.

If you want to set up onboarding flows, see the Onboarding section.

import { PointerProvider } from 'pointer-sdk';

function App() {
  return (
      <PointerProvider apiKey={process.env.POINTER_API_KEY!}>

For optimal performance, place the PointerProvider as close as possible to its child components.


Test the integration.

Once you run your app, Pointer widget should now appear in the bottom-right corner. Head to the Developers page in the dashboard and click “Verify connection” to ensure everything is working correctly.


You have complete control over the styling of the onboarding flow. For more information, see the Styling section.

Framework-specific setup

Pointer currently works with any React-based application. Support for Vue, Svelte, and other frontend frameworks is in development.


If using the app router:

import { PointerProvider } from "pointer-sdk";

export default function RootLayout({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode;
}) {
  return (
        <PointerProvider apiKey={process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_POINTER_API_KEY!}>

If using the pages router:

import { PointerProvider } from "pointer-sdk";
import type { AppProps } from "next/app";

export default function App({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  return (
    <PointerProvider apiKey={process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_POINTER_API_KEY!}>
      <Component {...pageProps} />


import { PointerProvider } from "pointer-sdk";

export default function App() {
  return (
        <PointerProvider apiKey={process.env.POINTER_API_KEY!}>
          <Outlet />